
Genrus Direct vs Amazon Pharmacy PillPack

PillPack is an American company, not yet available in Canada, that offers prescription medication delivery. Like PocketPills, it accepts major insurance, and offers customers free shipping on their medications.  

PillPack was purchased by Amazon in 2018 and offered to Amazon employees as a way to get their prescriptions delivered. PillPack isn’t limited to Amazon staff – Americans can use it to fulfill their medication, along with their existing insurance plans, if they have them.  

PillPack has also begun opening brick and mortar pharmacies, in addition to their online service.  

Like traditional pharmacies, PillPack focuses mainly on customers using insurance to pay for their medication. Genrus Direct is designed specifically for the cash payer, people who do not have access to group insurance benefits. When paying out of pocket, drug costs are higher, because there is no negotiation happening on behalf on uninsured people.  

Genrus Direct offers home delivery of prescription and over the counter medications, which can be fulfilled through our pharmacy partners, and helps uninsured patients save up to 30% on the out of pocket costs of medication.  
